Chloe Jackson

I have worked for Bolton GP Federation for two years, initially joining as a Social Prescriber and then a Deputy Primary Care Network Manager, looking after Breightmet and Little Lever and Chorley Roads PCNs. My role is very varied and involves supporting my Network Manager and Clinical Directors in ensuring that we meet the contractual requirements on behalf of our PCNs. Alongside this, I am involved in the HR support for our ARRs workforce. Towards the end of the 2023 /24 I was largely involved in the conversations around the new Integrated Neighbourhood Teams, representing the PCNs and federation in the set-up discussions.

Another aspect of my role was being the workforce lead for the social prescribing team. This involved chairing the Bolton wide Social Prescribing Link Workers meetings, ensuring that the team had facilitated peer discussions for the development of the role.

Next year I am looking forward to working on the health inequalities aspect of the contract, ensuring that work is completed with the integrated neighbourhood teams to improve the access people have to health services and their experience and outcomes.